
RealEye was purpose built to create connected workforces. RealEye technology is helping organizations improve cost savings through a remote teleconferencing platform enabled by mixed reality. Through this innovative technology, you enterprise will experience increased team cohesion with the ability to connect with supervisors, or specialists in real-time from anywhere in the world.

SCREENSHOT AND ANNOTATE  We have taken AR-enabled remote teleconferencing to the next level with live annotations. Remote experts/supervisors can improve communication with workers in the field by drawing on-screen annotations in the user's field of view. In this way, field workers can receive more accurate instructions and feedback while completing tasks, resulting in higher efficiency. 

LIVE AR COMMUNICATION Through a heads-up display enabled by live audio + video communication, provide your employees in the field with adequate instructions and feedback as if you were there in person. 

HANDS-FREE TECHNOLOGY Remote expert assistance is transforming the way workforces can get tasks done more efficiently and effectively. With the ability to communicate with remote supervisors and/or experts in real-time, frontline workers can receive live assistance and instructions to streamline operations. 

SIMPLIFYING WORKFORCE COMMUNICATION  Organizations are facing greater challenges due to increasingly growing remote workforces than ever before. With RealEye and our X2 Smart Glasses, you will see immediate results including improved operating efficiency, streamlined communication, and better first-time fix rates. 

REDUCE TRAVEL COST Start taking advantage of the cost savings offered by augmented reality solutions by reducing the need for unnecessary travel.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Our augmented reality telepresence platform allows organizations to drastically improve first time fix rates leading to more satisfied and happy customers.

EMPOWER YOUR WORKFORCE Give your team the right tools to perform at their highest level, make informed decisions, and avoid delays in their everyday challenges.

END-TO-END SOLUTION Today's workforces are becoming smarter and more connected when it comes to implementing automation and technology in their facility by adopting augmented reality solutions.